Saturday, November 19, 2016

View Others as Buddhas

Acho Rinpoche shared a teaching given by Venerable Jin Kong after our Guru Rinpoche practice tonight.
Venerable Jin Kong advised a practitioner to learn the attitude of a bodhisattva by the name of Good Wealth. Good Wealth always regarded others as the Buddhas who meant to help him walk the path to enlightenment and regarded himself as the only commoner. Such attitude can prevent a practitioner from falling in his practice.
“No matter how others scolded me, criticised me, praised me or belittled me, they actually meant well to help me on my spiritual cultivation.” It is likened to another bodhisattva by the name of “Belittling No One” who regarded everyone as a Buddha and prostrated to everyone whom he met with reverence.
          “I’m a commoner. The rest of the people are the Buddhas who meant well to help me in my spiritual cultivation,” which is in fact a key teaching to a practitioner. Only one who beholds such attitude can prevent himself from falling in the practice.

Reported by Sun-Moon KFS on 19-11-2016