Friday, August 17, 2018

Lotus Sutra: Bodhisattva King of Medicine (2)

          Tonight, we did a Guru Rinpoche Practice under the guidance of Acho Rinpoche. After which, Acho Rinpoche informed us that Wula Lama from Nepal (he is the abbot of a monastery which linked to Tsoknyi Rinpoche and Mingyur Rinpoche) who invited him to visit the hometown of Wula Lama in Nepal. This place is quite inaccessible as it is deep in a mountainous area, reachable by helicopter or it will take 6 to 7 days on foot. 

          Acho Rinpoche mentioned that Dipankara Buddha has two different titles in Chinese translation which actually refer to the same Buddha. More than 91 eons ago, when Sakyamuni Buddha was still a practitioner on the path to enlightenment who was known as Good Wisdom, he met Dipankara Buddha and laid his hair on the ground, in order to keep the feet of the Buddha clean from the muddy road. Dipankara Buddha prophesized that Good Wisdom would become a Buddha one day and he would be known as “Sakyamuni Buddha”.

          Acho Rinpoche also mentioned that any men or women on earth who saw the opposite sex in the heavenly realm will succumb to his/her sexual desire aroused by the beauty of the heavenly beings and died from being burnt by strong sense of sexual desire. Ananda had a wife before becoming a monk. His wife was very afraid that Ananda would leave her and follow Sakyamuni Buddha one day, so she tried all means to keep her husband with her. Therefore, Sakyamuni Buddha brought Ananda to the heaven, showing him his future abode where he saw an empty throne awaiting his arrival in his next life. Next, Sakyamuni Buddha brought Ananda to the hell realm, showing him his future abode after the latter exhausted all his merits through heavenly enjoyments. Finally, Ananda decided to follow the Buddha and became a monk who attained the state of Arahat after a period of practice. 

          Acho Rinpoche then continued to expound the Lotus Sutra, relating the chapter on the King of Medicine. After Bodhisattva Dearest to All Sentient Beings burnt his body as a form of offering to the Buddha, the former passed away but returned to the same Buddha in his next life. He continued to study under the guidance of the same Buddha teacher. At this stage, he attained the ability to speak all languages used by the sentient beings. The Buddha waited for his return and then passed into Nirvana, after passing the lineage of transmission to his student. So, Bodhisattva Dearest to All Sentient Beings built 48,000 stupas to enshrine the sacred relics of the Buddha. After that, he burnt his arm for 72,000 years which illuminated the entire universe very brightly. He had indeed attained a state where he could freely manifest in any form and he had accomplished the greatest aspiration of bodhicitta. Bodhisattva Dearest to All Sentient Beings was none other than the present King of Medicine. Acho Rinpoche said, for those of us who could not let go of anything will stand no chance of attaining the state of enlightenment!

Finally, we ended our prayer by reciting the names of the Buddhas under the guidance of Acho Rinpoche and dedicated the merits to all sentient beings - may all sentient beings be happy, free of sufferings and attain enlightenment swiftly. 

Reported by Sun Moon KFS on 19-5-2018 @Singapore